Our Theory of Change

OPA, a Greek word to describe a jubilant emotion of/during celebration, is our theory of change. We believe that Ongoing Engagement, Personal Accountability, and Advocacy is the right ingredients for this time to bend the culture of communities of color to health and wellness. This belief is the foundation for our optimism, jubilant emotion, and celebration in advance of the community impact being realized in the data, OPA.

Ongoing Engagement

to work in community to address cultural barriers to health and wellness

Personal Accountability

to decrease the disparities in all the Social Determinants of Health


health equity is systems level work that can only be achieved through civic engagement and addressing systemic racism and structural barriers to health

Our Health & Wellness Work

EnVision Resolution’s work is culture bending, transformational, and intergeneration! Our Health and Wellness activities are NOT aimed at teaching and motivating people to survive, our target is THRIVING! Quality of life is more than a phrase, it’s our motivation to keep innovating and sustaining the work. We define health and wellness as sustaining your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being through healthy life-style habits to obtain wholeness and fulfillment. Our work ensures communities to have health education, support to develop healthy life-style habits, and know their numbers.


Our Public Health Crisis Community Workshops are an opportunity to educate the community of the affects that social factors have on their health. One of the big takeaways is identifying what makes a healthy and an unhealthy community.

The Main Objective of this Workshop

To recall the key terms surrounding the Public Health Crisis

To explain systemic racism and its link to health outcomes

To create one personal “action step” to improve your health

Have an increased level of self-efficacy as it relates to discussing issues related to health and advocating for health equity.

Barbershop Real Talk

Our Barbershop Real Talk Series is a Men’s Health Discussion on men related health education topic that is coupled with resources. Men are encouraged to Know Their Numbers, so we have medical partners such as Dr. Traci from Dr. Traci’s House come to do vital sign checks. This initiative give men an opportunity to learn their (1) Blood Pressure, (2) Blood Sugar, (3) Heart Rate, (4) Body Mass Index, BMI, and (4) Oxygen levels on a monthly basis FREE of charge. Men are empowered to be self- advocates in participating in their healthcare, equipped to make goals towards healthier lifestyles, and have the necessary community at the barbershop to sustain the development of healthy habit. OPA in full affect: Ongoing engagement, Personal accountability, and Advocacy.