5000 VOTES

Civic Health

There is a connection between your vote and your health. Civic Health falls under intellectual on the Circle of Wellness. We must increase our intellectual prowess as it relates to the intersectionality of voting and health outcomes.

Voter participation is directly related to better self-reported health, including better psychological well-being and more positive emotional health.

Political Determinants of Health create the social drivers that ultimately impact the conditions of our lives. So, WE MUST VOTE… like our health depends on it because IT DOES! Take the 4 quick and easy steps to accept our Souls to the Polls, 2.0 Challenge.

Accept The Challenge

Get at least 10 people to cast a ballot in both 2024 elections.

  • 1 person needs to be a new registrant
  • 2 people must be between age: 18 – 39
  • 2 people must be over 65

Step 1

Order your Vot-ER Badge: 

Step 2

Attend a virtual orientation.
Email: to
request invitation

Step 3

Attend a Virtual Voter Registration Training (optional)

Step 4

Email “I VOTED” Photos

The Vision

20 organizations will have 25 people 
accept the challenge to get 10 people to the polls

20 x 25 x 10= 5,000