The Wellness Challenge is a 9-month study designed as a challenge to improve health outcomes by combining health education, community support, accessible resources, and personalized accountability through wellness coaching. This challenge is about more than just personal health—it aims to create lasting change, reduce preventable diseases and risks of strokes, heart attacks, maternal mortality & morbidity, and obesity.The challenge promotes healthier lifestyles in communities that have historically been marginalized and will result in a 1stplace bonus prize ($500) and 2nd place ($200).

The Challenge

Participants will work toward improving key health indicator such as:

  • A1C levels (blood sugar control)

  • Triglycerides levels (heart health)

  • Cholesterol levels (heart health)

  • Waist-to-Hip Ratio (body composition)

  • C-Reactive Protein levels (inflammation)

How Will it Work?

  1. Apply for an ER scholarship to sign-up for the challenge
  2. Complete In-take Form
  3. Health Screening (1st 30-days)
    1. Vital Signs checks at the barbershop (min 3x)
    2. Inbody Body Composition Analysis
    3. Blood work including A1C, Cholesterol
    4. Budget
  4. Select Health & Finance Coaches (1st 30-days)
  5. Consultation w/ Coach (1st 30-days)
    1. Create Health SMART goals
    2. Create Financial SMART goals

Key Elements include:

  1. Monthly check-ins with coaches & assessments

  2. Customized activities (e.g., water intake, physical activity, stress management, budgeting)

  3. 6-month evaluation to gain approval to qualify for round 2, the remaining 3 months

  4. Everyone who successfully completes the challenge will be evaluated to determine a first and second bonus recipients for a monetary prize, $500 1st place, $200 2nd place

The Coaching Staff

Finance Coach


Health Coach


Health Coach


Health Coach


How Do I Complete the Challenge?

Step 1

Complete the January Assessment

Step 2

Select a Challenge Goal

Step 3

Make monthly SMART goals & create a plan 

Step 4

Meet with coach at least 8 of 9 required meetings 

Step 5

Show an improvement within 6-months, LEVEL UP!


Step 6

Meet all the program requirements within the 9 months